
DKA means business

Nov 01, 2018


DKA builds connections at October Business Month

Octo­ber Busi­ness Month (OBM) is an annu­al month-long pro­gram of busi­ness events, com­pris­ing din­ners, award cer­e­monies, sem­i­nars, busi­ness break­fasts, cock­tail recep­tions, lead­er­ship events, con­fer­ences and work­shops. Each year, OBM hosts a range of busi­ness events across the Ter­ri­to­ry and pro­vide Ter­ri­to­ry busi­ness peo­ple with

  • Oppor­tu­ni­ties for pro­fes­sion­al development
  • Inno­v­a­tive man­age­ment ideas
  • Net­work­ing opportunities

DKA is com­mit­ted to renew­able ener­gy, desert lead­er­ship, dig­i­tal inno­va­tion and the Desert Knowl­edge Precinct. These focus areas are high­ly rel­e­vant to busi­ness in Alice Springs, which allowed DKA to use OBM to build con­nec­tions with the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty and share our pro­grams and projects in these areas. DKA cre­at­ed two events, and co-host­ed two oth­ers. The Desert Knowl­edge Precinct’s facil­i­ties were also used for oth­er OBM events. 

What hap­pens at the Desert Knowl­edge Precinct? 

11 Octo­ber 2018 | 9:00am — 12:00pm
The Cork­wood Room | Busi­ness & Inno­va­tion Cen­tre | Desert Knowl­edge Precinct

Precinct part­ners DKA, Batch­e­lor Insti­tute of Indige­nous Ter­tiary Edu­ca­tion (BIITE) and the Cen­tre for Appro­pri­ate Tech­nol­o­gy (CfAT) led a free tour of the Desert Knowl­edge Precinct. Octo­ber Busi­ness Month gave us an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bust some of the myths about the Precinct and share some of our inno­v­a­tive projects with the com­mu­ni­ty. Atten­dees lis­tened to pre­sen­ta­tions by DKA, BIITE and CfAT before being tak­en on a guid­ed tour of the glob­al­ly-renowned DKA Solar Cen­tre

The tour of the Solar Cen­tre was par­tic­u­lar­ly infor­ma­tive but the whole vis­it was well organ­ised and most worthwhile.” 

Tony, retired.

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Ekisti­ca grad­u­ate engi­neer Sheena Ong leads a tour of the DKA Solar Centre

DKA Solar Centre

Real­ly enjoyed the tour and pre­sen­ta­tion about the solar arrays. And also the infor­ma­tion that was pro­vid­ed in gen­er­al was extreme­ly interesting.” 

Julie, Pow­er Generation.

Abo­rig­i­nal Busi­ness­es & Startups

11 Octo­ber 2018 | 9:00am — 12:00pm
The Cork­wood Room | Busi­ness & Inno­va­tion Cen­tre | Desert Knowl­edge Precinct 

DKA recog­nis­es that Abo­rig­i­nal busi­ness­es are resilient and resource­ful in the face of chal­lenges, and that they can share this knowl­edge with each oth­er. Our event Abo­rig­i­nal Busi­ness­es and Star­tups pro­vid­ed an oppor­tu­ni­ty for Abo­rig­i­nal entre­pre­neurs to dis­cuss chal­lenges and cel­e­brate successes. 

Atten­dees had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with oth­er busi­ness own­ers and with organ­i­sa­tions such as DKA, Depart­ment of Prime Min­is­ter and Cab­i­net, Depart­ment of Trade, Busi­ness and Inno­va­tion (DTBI), and Indige­nous Busi­ness Aus­tralia, which pro­vide sup­port to Abo­rig­i­nal busi­ness­es through work­shops, pro­grams and finan­cial aid. 

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Abo­rig­i­nal entre­pre­neurs wel­comed a chance to net­work and share knowledge.

Oth­er #OBM2018 events at the Desert Knowl­edge Precinct

The Busi­ness & Inno­va­tion Cen­tre at the Desert Knowl­edge Precinct in Alice Springs is sur­round­ed by pic­turesque bush­land and has all the facil­i­ties and equip­ment nec­es­sary to host meet­ings, con­fer­ences and busi­ness events. In addi­tion to DKA’s OBM events, the Precinct also host­ed sev­er­al oth­er busi­ness events in October: 

    • Rob Cook Busi­ness Breakfast
      9 October 
    • DTBI’s Renew­able Ener­gy Forum
      10 October
    • DTBI’s Mas­ter­ing Innovation
      10 October
    • DTBI’s Dig­i­tal Innovation
      11 October
    • DKA Busi­ness at Sunset
      29 October 
    • NPY Meetings
      Mul­ti­ple dates
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DKA Busi­ness at Sunset

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