Knowledge Intersections Symposium 2021
The symposium encourages dissemination of research through publication and welcomes early-career researchers.
Doing innovation and communicating knowledge in central Australia
If you participated in the 2021 Knowledge Intersections Symposium, the team would love your feedback.
This year’s theme invites the sharing of research and the contribution of practice and innovation to knowledge-making and communication for the benefit of central Australian people and country.
The Symposium extends its previous research exchange to include creative and cultural practices, and micro-enterprise in the stream: Doing Innovation.
In addition to previous year’s traditional symposium theme, the 2021 Knowledge Intersections Symposium will host both symposium and innovative practice events.
Join in to present, network, seek synergies, and find those intersections that strengthen our ways of making, thinking and exchanging knowledge through research and innovation.
20 – 21 September 2021 at the Desert Knowledge Precinct
(475 Stuart Highway, Alice Springs NT 0873)
Co-hosted by Charles Darwin University,
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education,
Desert Knowledge Research Institute,
and Desert Peoples Centre.
Monday, 20 September: 6:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Welcome function for all participants to network and share their stories.
Tuesday, 21 September: 8:00 am — 4:30 pm
Symposium and Innovation streams with presentations, yarning sessions, mini-workshops, roundtables, and a plenary sessions to review highlights. A pop-up marketplace will be held over lunch.
View the final program.
View presenter abstracts.
Charles Darwin University
Dr Judith Lovell;
Batchelor Institute
Assoc Prof John Guenther;
Assoc Prof Kathryn Gilbey;
Desert Knowledge Research Institute
Tracy Jones;
Desert Peoples Centre
Andrew Freak;
Alice Springs conference hosts over 150 participants
Sept 30, 2021
The 2021 Knowledge Intersections Symposium witnessed 39 presentations that shared knowledge of benefit to the central Australian community.